Dienstag, 1. März 2016

DOAG 2016 Datenbank Präsentation: Running Oracle on a 32 socket server with 24 terabytes of memory

Präsentation während der DOAG 2016 Datenbank, die von Dienstag, den 10. Mai 2016 bis Mittwoch, den 11. Mai 2016 in Düsseldorf stattfinden wird:

Running Oracle on a 32 socket server with 24 terabytes of memory

Recently, we were asked to test this server for running Oracle This is an intel
based server, containing 32 CPU sockets and 24 terabyte of memory. In this case, 32 sockets means 480 CPU cores, and 960 CPU threads.
This presentation will briefly go through the intel history of SMP, NUMA and memory
access. It will look into:
- Latency for non-Oracle related memory access and Oracle memory access (LIO).
- In memory parallel query scaling.
- Using parallel query and the Oracle in-memory option.

Der Vortrag findet am Dienstag, den 10. Mai 2016 um 14:00 Uhr statt.

Der Referent ist Frits Hoogland, Accenture Enkitec group, ORACLE ACE Director,OAK Table


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